E Komo Mai!!
Aloha and welcome to Mrs. T's Automotive Domain,
I decided to post a blog about me and my career. I've been in the business just shy of a year and have been able to learn from veterans in the car business. Theres been a common thread in each and everyones advice......Customer Focus. That doesn't mean a fabricated interest in people, but having a genuine interest in helping people.
People appreciate when you go the extra mile for them and that is what I do. Literally, I drove 15 miles to pick someone up, when they didn't have transportation to the dealership, and was in need of a car.
On my days off, I've come in to assist customers. Anyone in sales would agree, theres no such thing as a 9-5 work day. You're on 24/7.
The other reason why I found my little niche here at McKenna's is because of the people. I work with the most family oriented bunch of workers. From the service department straight up to our President. Everyone has a genuine interest in each other.
I remember what it was like when I had to buy a car. Being a girl, its very tough trying to go into a dealership and have all these men staring at you like you're a walking $ Dollar $ bill. or maybe they were checking out my.....oh never mind. But anyway it wasn't a pleasurable experience. My salesman, talked to me in baby talk, when we were discussing engine parts and emissions, oil changes and stuff and kept asking if I understood what he was saying. Like I was from outerspace. My dad worked for Toyota for 18 years and I grew up in the showroom and shop. I'd help out changing tires, oil, even a timing belt, from when I was a keiki!!
Anyway, I never forgot that and I tell everyone of my customers my experience and that I can relate. Everyone of my customers are treated with respect and more importantly I don't try to sell them anything. We just have FUN!!
Well thats about all I have to say for now, I'll be back later to mod. this page if I have too. Still learning how to BLOG, so be patient with me....
Mahalo NUI for your time,
Mrs. T